And corporate social responsibility
STOCKMEIER France published its first CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report in 2021, which is the fruit of lengthy work within the various departments of our company and aims to present the actions we are implementing in terms of CSR.
As a distributor of chemical products and formulator of hygiene and disinfection products, our activities involve storing and handling products that are dangerous, but essential to the daily lives of each and every one of us: we are an essential link in the supply chain that enables water treatment plants to supply the population with drinking water, power plants to generate the energy we need, agri-food factories to supply the food we eat, pharmaceutical plants to produce the active ingredients of the medicines that treat us, and so on. The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has particularly highlighted the indispensable nature of our profession.
Given the nature of our activities, STOCKMEIER France has always been aware of its responsibilities towards its various stakeholders, be they our employees, our customers, our suppliers, the local residents who live near our sites, or the local and environmental authorities who monitor our activities. Since 2016, we have formalized our CSR commitment based on the 7 principles of the ISO 26000 standard, and we are determined to demonstrate exemplarity and irreproachability in respecting these principles.